• Hi!
    I'm Rohit

    Learner | Developer | Explorer | Observer

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  • I am a
    Full Stack Developer

    Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think. -Steve Jobs

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About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Rohit Kumar Sahu. I love Developing, especially... developing for a cause, I like feedbacks, they help me grow.
I belive in the philosophy of constanlty pushing one's limits.

I have done the same with the help of Masai School. I had worked upon various Frontend and Backend projects and solved more than 500 DSA problems. Currently, I am looking for an opportunity where I can put my learning to good use.




Problem Solving

I am excited to tell you
that I have undertaken a number of projects !

Have a look
What I do?

Here are some of my areas of expertise

Innovative Ideas

I am working on an idea/project... which will help users all over the world to spend their time efficiently.


I have undertaken number of projects where I have developed an intractive and easy to use UI


Currently I am working on an idea which will enable users all over the world to share files.

Problem Solver

I enjoy DSA problem solving.I have solved more than 500 problem till now and I am not planing to stop any time soon.


I like exploring new things, not only about Computer Tech but also about Human Psychology, Animal kingdom, Space and more.

Soft Skills

Being a good communicator is above all, this I realised this during my 1st year. I regularly make delibrate efforts to be good at it


Cups of coffee



Problem Solved



Projects undertaken



 Teams that   I joined
My Specialty

My Skills

I have always considered my work as a form of art and in order to be a good artist, one needs to practise and have patience. Here is a list of languages and Frameworks that I know.




Node Js

Express Js

Mongo Db

React Js




A 6 units (30 weeks) course, in the 1st 3 units my base of coding and problem solving was developed I learned JavaScript, HTML, CSS and ES6 concepts

In the second half of the course whrn my base was developed and ready for some challange I learned advanced Node js, Express Js and React Js

I was facinated by cars since childhood, So I pursued B.Tech in Automobile Engineering,

  • Worked upon various Matlab algorithms.
  • Pursued a Minor in Psychology

During my graduation, I took an internship in Coumputer Aided Designing which offerd me a diploma in CAD Designing

I completed my schooling from Kendriya Vidyalayas of different states as my father served in the Indian Air force, we needed to travel to different states frequently.

My Projects

Recent Work

Adidas Website-clone

This is a look alike of real Adidas website. Here you can look for a product, add it to cart, sign in and checkout. This project was build to Enhance the understanding of HTML, CSS, and JS.

🌎 100 49

Nykaa Website-clone

This is a look alike of real Nykaa website, Here you can look for a product, add it to cart, sign in and checkout. This project was build to Enhance the understanding of HTML, CSS, JS, and ES6.

🌎 100 49

To-Do list SPA

To-Do list is a single page web app in which you can create, edit, save any upcoming task that you might forget, The app also let's you reschedule and delete the completed tasks. This App can be downloaded and used offline.

🌎 100 49

Scheduler App

Scheduler App is a React-Redux web app in which you can create, edit, save any upcoming task that you might forget, The app also let's you reschedule and delete tasks. This App is basically a react version of To-Do list App.

🌎 100 49


Recent Blog

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
DECEMBER 30, 2021 | Medium | 4

Experience of Building Nykaa-Clone

In this blog post my teammates of unit 3 Masai School and I have described our expericence of building the Nykaa-Clone project and various aspects of our build.

Get in Touch


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